23 Sep - Cafe Vivere (Coventry Square Markets), Morley

Caught up with CB's folks again, and after the last burek, thought I'd try the spinach and feta. The saltiness of the feta made this a better choice than the meat version, and this time, I shared half with CB, making it a more comfortable experience.

16 Sep - Cafe Vivere (Coventry Square Markets), Morley

Caught up with CB's folks again, and this time I went for the meat burek. The pastry was crisp, the meat slightly spiced, but it lacked salt overall for me. Coupled with a large coffee, I didn't need to eat lunch after eating two slices.

8 Aug - Old Chang Kee, Waterford

I felt like some decent curry puffs (the Chinese shop ones are OK, but definitely not anything to rave about), so CB and I decided to trek to the only OCK in Perth. We bought the party box, and got 5 Curry-O and 5 Mackarel-O. Nothing much to say, except the Singaporean ones are better, but these are still leaps and bounds ahead of the Chinese shop versions.

7 Sep - McDonalds, Rockingham

A guy on a motorbike decided to fall off it and block the only road into work, resulting in the road being closed for two and a half hours. After waiting for 40 minutes, a colleague and I decided to grab some food at the closest Maccas.

I opted for a Mighty McMuffin meal, I think it's similar to the Massive McMuffin, with two slices of bacon, egg, sausage, cheese and sauce. It was good, although as you can tell by the picture, it was slopped together. The coffee (cappuccino) was watery and weak.

2 Sep - Coventry Square Markets, Morley

Brunch was with CB's folks for Fathers Day at a little cafe in Coventrys Markets. I forget the name, but they also sold pizza by the slice. The food was quite affordable (cheap) and the coffee was quite good too. I opted for a bacon and egg burger, it came in a nice soft bun and tomato sauce. Interestingly, it also included mushrooms. Not traditional by any means, but was a decent feed.