19 Aug - Woodfire Italian Restaurant, Ellenbrook

A $15 lunch special pizza (Capricciosa: San marzano tomato sugo, mozzarella, free range leg ham, mushrooms, artichokes, olives) and side of thrice cooked chips.

Didn't need the chips as the pizza was filling enough. The crust was nice and crisp but the base towards the middle was a little flimsy and soggy. Still tasted good with the toppings selection though.

14 Aug - Dawat Indian, Bennett Springs

A starter platter for two, for me. It was OK, nothing fantastic.

12 Aug - Springs Chinese Restaurant, Bennett Springs

I had only coffee today up until dinner as I was working on my car and other jobs around the house. So I had a decent feed for dinner consisting of garlic beef and fried rice. To finish, I had a plain fried icecream.

7 Aug - Epicurean, Burswood

Dinner this time at Epicurean. The menu was slightly different but mostly the same as lunch.

5 Aug - Rifo's Cafe, Maylands

A full breakfast for CB's birthday brunch. It was a big serve, the bacon was a little too salty to eat on its own however my eggs were done the way I wanted them. It was getting a bit sickly by the end of it though. Don't need lunch, that's for sure.