28 Oct - Sydney Work Trip Day 2

The morning started off with some cereal and sludge for coffee. I might actually choose the $4 option for a cappuccino instead of the 'filtered coffee' that they serve with normal breakfast.

Lunch was provided by work and consisted of various salad and meat sandwiches, cut into quarters. I had 4 or 5 (maybe 6) bits, so had about a sandwich and a half in total, along with 3 Tim Tams.

Platinum Bar and Grill, Macquarie Park Shopping Centre

After killing a bit of time, Pete and I walked down to Macquarie Park Shopping Centre to look for a place to eat. We had a little trouble finding the entrance to the shopping centre, but eventually found it and the upper restaurant area. Here, I picked up some Krispy Kreme for dessert and we decided upon Platinum Bar and Grill for a feed.

Here, I had Bruschetta for entree, which went down very well. The bread was soft but had crunchy enough crusts to give enough bite.

For main, I ordered the Mixed Seafood Plate for 1/2. When ordered, I was given a plethora of operating utensils, like I was performing surgery or something. But when the plate arrived, there was A LOT of food. BBQed octopus, prawns, salmon, battered squid, oysters kilpatrick, crab cakes and a quarter crab with a load of salad. The food was good, the crab was a bit weird cold (I am used to hot chilli crabs), and the salad wasn't my cup of tea with raw bean sprouts. All was washed down with a Heinikein.

As we were walking back to the hotel, I ate my donuts. I didn't really need it, but they were good. I'm not sure whether I like KK's or J.Co more now .. it's very hard to decide....

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