30 Nov – Sydney Work Trip II Day 3

The morning started off with breakfast again. Today, they had crumbed poached eggs! Whoa, I had to try those with some bacon and mushrooms. They turned out to be exactly that, poached eggs with a slightly runny yolk, crumbed and deep fried.

I also tried the smoked salmon, mackarel and trout. They were OK, but I was thirsty afterwards.

To finish, I had some fruit.

Lunch today consisted of Asian food. I had rice with chicken curry and some stir fried pork and vegies. The curry had a decent bite to it whilst the pork and vegies were a little sweet for my liking.

After killing some time online, I headed off for dinner with the other guys. We walked up to The Rocks and sat down at the Lowenbrau brewery. I had a couple of their lemon flavoured wheat beers, which were quite mild and drinkable:



30112010482 I had to try their schweinshaxen, served with mashed potato and saukraut. The crackling was really crunchy, but was overly salty for me. I had to eat it with some meat and mashed potato, but eventually ran out of mash. The saukraut was OK .. tart enough to cut through the fattiness a bit. Whilst I loved the texture of the crackling, I do prefer my bastardized version as it is less salty.

After our second round of beers, we walked off the food a bit by going down to Circular Quay and the Opera House.


wagg said...

But were the crumbed poached eggs nice?

lordsnipe said...

they were OK .. the crumbing is neither here nor there... I prefer runnier yolks though..