4th August - Darlington Estate Winery

On Saturday, CB decided to celebrate her birthday, so a group of us went up and down a massive hill and ended up at the Darlington Estate Winery.

The place was quiet and the table settings were nice. Service wasn't too bad (if I had to nitpick, I sometimes had an empty glass of water). The chairs were made out of wrought iron I think, I thought I wouldn't be able to sit on them for long but they were OK and ended up on them for 3 or so hours. It was a nice change to have dinner in a quiet restaurant .. we were easily the loudest table.

For an entree, I decided upon some Beef Carpaccio as I hadn't tried it before, even though I was tempted to go for the salmon. It was served with some deep fried cheese (halloumi) and the cheese whiz stuff was actually white beans. Eating the beef with the cheese wasn't too bad, the meat was melt in your mouth quality, but to be honest, wasn't that tasty. Most of the flavour came from the cheese.. It was a really nice dish but I don't think I'd have it again, a matter of personal taste I guess.

For a main, I tried the special, which was a braised lamb shank, in puff pastry served with belotti beans and a pea puree. The sauce at a guess was derived from the braising liquid and was simply awesome. The lamb shank was fall off the bone tender, and the crisp puff pastry was nice. The only thing left on the plate afterwards were the bones, which unfortunately I couldn't eat.

For desert I tried the Apple and Cinnamon Panacotta, with Apple Sorbet and Almond Biscotti. It was nice but Panacotta isn't for me. I much prefer a custard base pudding instead of gelatin.

All in all, the meal was very enjoyable and would recommend the place to anyone willing to travel up in the hills. Would I go back? Probably, but atleast not till next year when we can use the Ent book again ;)

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