28 Jun - Kappys Restaurant, Guildford

We went to Kappys Restaurant for Ah Stan's birthday last night. We were seated inside, which was a good thing as it was freezing and raining outside...

Instead of going for a starter, I opted for mains and desert only. Since they were BYO only and Ah Stan was getting VB, I also asked for some Stone's Ginger Beer (see previous posts)

For my meal, I opted for the Veal Parmigiana. It went down a treat, although a little soggy. I must say that all the parmigianas I've had eating out have had a watery tomato base. But it still tasted good. The potatoes were boiled I think, and the spinach hid some grilled carrot and zucchini which was smokey.

For desert, I ordered the meringue, with cream and berries. The pic looks like icecream but it was meringue. It was soft, sweet, with the berries giving a tart contrast.

All in all, it was a pleasant experience. I believe the management has changed hands since the last time we went to Kappys years ago did not have food as good as last night.

28 Jun - Miss Mauds, Midland

CB and I had breakfast in Midland again, this time opting for a GJs coffee and Miss Mauds. I decided to go for the 'Breakfast Burger', at $9.95. It wasn't that good to be honest, I didn't get any mushrooms or cheese in my burger, essentially making it a bacon and egg burger, dripping with oil. I didn't want to make a fuss, everybody knows that spit mysteriously sometimes ends up in food......

27 Jun - Work EOM lunch

On the last friday of every month, work puts on a lunch for all staff. Last month it was souvlaki, this month, it was Red Rooster, Roast Beef and Lamb Curry..

A weird mix I know but they all went down a treat. The curry wasn't hot but was still tasty enough to dip some bread rolls into!

22 Jun - Mulberry on Swan

Today, CB and I had a late lunch with CB's family as her nan turned 80. To start off, I had a bottle of Pipsqueak Cider (made by Little Creatures Brewery).

To be honest, I wasn't a big fan of the cider. It was a dry cider and I don't like dry.

Food wise, CB and I shared some wedges, and I went for the Shepherd's Pie.

For $8, it was a huge serving! The sweet chilli sauce wasn't from a bottle, and was pretty good. The wedges were crisp and served piping hot.

The "Shepherd's Pie" was really a Cottage Pie, and it should of been named "Salt Pie". The meat sauce was quite tasty, however the sauce, mashed potato and cheese topping were all salty. I ate most of it feeling quite parched, and didn't eat all of it.

20 Jun - Work food on course 5

The final day of my course and lunch consisted of these focaccia rolls, filled with various toppings including bacon, avocado, chicken schnitzel etc. By the time we got to them they were not crunchy, but they still went down well.

19 Jun - Work food on course 4

Today's lunch consisted of Subway rolls. Not much to talk about here, except they lacked the usual condiments that I go for (all condiments, including jalapenos and olives)... The best part was that it was free! haha.

18 Jun - Work food on course 3

Today's lunch consisted of meat and salad rolls, along with a fruit platter. Being quite hungry today, I wolfed down these two halves, and went back for another half and some fruit. I also had some grapes, pineapple and rockmelon.

17 Jun - Work food on course 2

Today's lunch menu consisted of meat and salad sandwiches, some wontons, calamari and dim sims.

The meat sandwiches consisted of various meats, including ham/salami, chicken, chicken schnitzel and roast beef.

16 Jun - Work food on course

For this week, I'm attending a course at work, with our morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided. I didn't take any pics today, but this is what I had:

Morning tea: Half custard tart and orange juice.
Lunch: Tough steak burger with onion, lettuce, tomato and carrot.
Afternoon tea: A few biscuits (mint slice and scotch fingers).

Trying to stay awake, I also had some minties and fruit mentos.

13 Jun - Mikazuki Sushi & GJs, Cockburn Gateway

Today, I had lunch with work colleagues at one of the shopping centres near work. There's a food court where there's a bit of a range of food. Today, I opted for sushi.

After looking at their range, I eventually chose the teriyaki chicken and salmon. The salmon was fresh (not smoked), and all rolls had cucumber and avocado. The sushi went down quite well, I would like to try their karaage set next time..

Feeling like a coffee, I quickly went down to GJs. I had my usual drink, a Very Vanilla Chiller, but asked for skim milk. Taste wise, there was no difference, but the drink was more "liquidy" then usual. I'm not sure whether this is to do with the milk or just the person who made it.

7 Jun - Barilli Cafe, Midland Gate

This morning, CB and I had breakfast at Midland Gate. I wanted to get in early so we could hit Big W as soon as it opened, checking out the missing Buzz games that we didn't have for $28 each. We grabbed a GJs coffee, got the games we wanted at Big W, and then came here for breakfast.

I ordered the Eggs Benedict, CB had pancakes. For $9.90, I thought this was a reasonable meal. Note the lack of garnish haha. The ham was tasty, the hollandaise was buttery, creamy and slightly tangy (the way it should be I guess). My preference for the eggs would be for runny yolks, these were a little more set than I would've cooked myself, but they weren't overdone at all.