Sydney 2007 Holiday Day 1

Home Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6

2PM - Qantas meal, Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Sushi Train Express.

We departed from Perth slightly late due to someone not being where they should be. The menu choice for the flight was "ravioli with bacon, mushrooms and leeks" and a "chicken korma and rice". I opted for the ravioli and made the wrong decision. It was tasteless, I couldn't taste any bacon, mushrooms or leeks. The cheese and crackers, bread roll and Mars Bar were all good however.


I didn't get much sleep on the plain, maybe a couple of hours tops. After collecting our bags, we hopped on the train to Central Station. Here, we walked to the hotel, dropped off our luggage and went to Starbucks, which was up the road. I had a coffee frappa, which hit the spot.


By now it was drizzling slightly. We went to Pitt St mall where we got Krispy Kremes last time, however some construction work was being done and we think that building is now gone. We had to walk up George St past Martin Place to find another KKs. Here I bought a custard filled chocolate donut. It could've done with more custard, there was hardly any in there! :(


After the donut, we ventured down Martin Place to look at the end of Sunrise being broadcast live. We were pretty close to the whole cast (who came outside the studio right at the end), except Mel who was missing.

We walked around a whole heap, through Hyde Park and through various shopping malls. I bought a few CDs and a few DVDs and tried looking for my kris kringle present for work. It was nearing lunch time so we went to Sushi Train Express.

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I ended up having 2 plates of salmon sushi, 1 plate of beef sushi and "eel don". The salmon was pretty good, the beef was OK and the eel was nice, apart from the little bones (which were edible) which occasionally rubbed against the top of my mouth. To Sushi Train's defence, another place in Singapore (where I also ordered eel) had the same feeling. I was going to hit some karaage but was feeling a bit full and didn't want to fill up for the upcoming dinner at 'The Meat and Wine Co'.

One thing I noticed about Sydney this time around are the amount of Subaru Libertys running around. I think Sydney should be renamed to Liberty City!

10:23PM - The Meat and Wine Co

We had dinner reservations at 'The Meat and Wine Co'. I pretty much knew what I was going to order from their online menu. The place was set out nicely with a nice view of Darling Harbour.


To start, I had the "Spicy" wings with blue cheese sauce. The wings were quite tasty, but to say they were spicy was a bit wrong. There wasn't even a hint of chilli/pepper in the seasoning, so I was a bit disappointed. If they said savoury wings, then it would've been right on the money. The blue cheese sauce was okay, pretty potent stuff, but nothing that I could have a lot of. Oh, and I thought I was a bit jipped with only 3 wings! :(


I had to try their Toblerone cocktail. It was really good. The only thing which would've made it even better would be little bits of nougat or even honeycomb to chew on. Kinda like a Crunchie shake from Wendys.



For mains, I went for the half rib and 200g steak. It was served with chips (the majority are hidden under the ribs). I ordered pork ribs (with the choice of pork or beef) and had my steak rare.

The meat was very well done. The rib meat fell off the bones and had a nice BBQ smokey flavour to them. The steak was charred nicely on the outside and still pink in the middle (the way I eat steak nowadays). I was struggling at the end but managed to finish it all, including the side coleslaw.


CB and I shared a Creme Brulee for desert. This was delightful! From the hard caramel shell, to the creamy vanilla custard inside, this was absolutely sublime... I'm going to try and make Creme Brulee at home and see if I can get similar results...

All in all, it was a great feed, and I'm glad that I found this place whilst looking online a few months back on places to eat in Sydney. Yes it was expensive (my share of dinner was $90.50 out of $170), but the quality of the meat that I had and its location make it semi justifiable. As CB said, "if only we could pick up the restaurant and plonk it in Perth somewhere...."

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