30 Apr - Cafe Villa, Leederville

Last night, we had dinner out at Leederville with our cousin CK from Singapore, who is here for a family wedding. I had a hard time picking out something to eat, but for my main, opted for the Chicken Parmigiana and a Vanilla Milkshake.

For a light starter snack, a large bowl of chips were shared. They were fresh, hot and nice and crunchy. They were quite good, good enough to forget to take a picture whilst I was eating.

The milkshake was milky and thick enough for the straw to stand up and not touch the sides. I would've liked it to be a bit thicker but then it would've been a thickshake. It was quite filling, I had drunk the milkshake before starting my main and didn't feel like eating afterwards.

The Parmigiana wasn't bad, with more chips and a nice dressed salad, consisting of assorted leaves, spanish onion and cucumber. The Parmigiana wasn't overdone and the tomato sauce and melted cheese was decent enough.

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