25 May - Jaws Kaiten Sushi

With our Entertainment Book vouchers expiring next week, we went to our favourite Japanese sushi joint, Jaws. We used to go to Jaws Tempura Sushi in Cinema City, but since they've closed, we've now had to go to Jaws Kaiten Sushi. Because the other one closed, this one now has fried foods.

To start off with, I hit up some unagi.

I also tried some new sushi with some beef.

I had two or three plates of some "fancy" teriyaki chicken sushi.

I had to have some karaage. This time, the chilli mayonnaise packed quite a punch...

I didn't end up eating a lot. My total at the end was a modest $19.30

24 May - Mille Cafe, Inglewood

Last night, Gaz celebrated his birthday at Mille Cafe in Inglewood. To start off with, I had an Iced Coffee which wasn't bad .. with stronger coffee than normal and no hazelnut icecream this time!

CB and I shared some turkish bread and dips for entree. They weren't too bad, but the dips we had at Catalanos were better.

For main, I chose the Veal Parmigiana. It was served on top of some spaghetti. It wasn't great to be honest, being rather bland. I should've gone the steak, it looked good...

As a side to our main, we also had some wedges with sour cream and sweet chilli.

Afterwards, I had another Ice Coffee and then we left to see the Spicks and Specktacular show.

20 May - The Esplande Hotel, Fremantle

Today, I was in Fremantle attending a one day work course at The Esplande Hotel in Fremantle. We were treated to a 45 minute or so buffet lunch. Now the old me would've smashed it as hard as possible and then rolled back to the conference room wanting to lie down, but the new me just had one plate and kept it at that.

The food was ok, as far as buffets go I guess. I had some roast lamb, a "curry" of some sort, roast chicken, some creamed vegetables and some cajun potato. The "curry" and potato were not hot at all as usual.

Others on the course helped themselves to plates and plates of prawns, mussels but no oysters.

17 May - The Oyster Bar, South Perth

CB and I went to The Oyster Bar in South Perth last night to celebrate our anniversary. To start off with, we had some garlic bread, which was also topped with some cheese. It was garlicky, cheesey, crunchy and soft, all in each slice.

For a drink, we had some swanko bottled water ($7.50), but I also went for Stones Ginger Beer, which is also alcoholic. I think I've found my new poison when I don't feel like cider... CB had a lychee cocktail .. way too sweet for me.

I chose 'Squid from Hell' as my entree. The squid was cooked superbly, being beautifully tender. However, it wasn't very hellish, not even registering on my hotness scale... the salad was nicely done, with various leaves, tomato, spanish onion and pine nuts. The balsamic reduction didn't really do anything for me.

For mains, I went for the trio of snapper, prawns and scallops, served with mash and asparagus. This was also cooked superbly, the fish was moist and flaky, the prawns and scallops were grilled with some butter.. my mouth is watering just rethinking about this dish. The mash was also good, smooth and well seasoned.

To finish, I opted for Sticky Date Pudding, served with vanilla icecream and a butterscotch sauce. Man this was sweet, way to sweet for me, that 2/3rds of the way through, it was sickly sweet. But it was still enjoyed and CB helped polish it off after finishing her own icecream and strawberries.

Overall, a rather good dining experience. Service was good and food was nice. It did get a little noisy inside once the place filled up however. Entertainment card offer provided good savings. One thing to look out for however, is the 7.5% surcharge on weekends. I would go back, however probably on a friday night next time .. :)

7 May - Amano, Stirling

There's an Italian Gelato place near work which also sells pizza by the slice. Today, I went for the Supreme (not very Italian haha). It wasn't bad, had vegies, some biggish pieces of bacon and some decent spicy salami. At $5.90, it wasn't a bad price either...

4 May - Ning Kwong

The whole family went out to dinner as some of our relatives from Singapore were departing later that night. Spread over two tables, our table ordered:

  • Special Fried Rice
  • Steamed Rice
  • Spring Rolls
  • Szechuan Chicken
  • Fried Duck in Plum Sauce
  • Seafood and Vegetables
  • Sizzling Lamb
  • Pork Spare Ribs in Peking Sauce

I didn't take pictures because they were all coming out at different times. However the food was pretty good as usual, the chicken being a little oily but still tender and smooth.

To finish off, the younger crew had fried icecream.. yum yum!

3 May - Rose Hill Country Club

Edit: My cousin Marianne managed to take some pictures, which I stole and put here... :)

Last Saturday was Ants and Carley's wedding and their reception was held at Rose Hill. We had a 3 course meal (with the option of fish or beef) which turned out pretty good. My steak wasn't the medium that I had asked for, but it still went down well. I thought there were going to be canapes but we only received turkish bread and dips...

The sit down meal consisted of:

Entree: Mille Feulle of sauteed chicken & mushrooms in a cream sauce served with rice.

Main: Oven roasted scotch fillet of beef seasoned with grain and dijon mustard serviced medium to well done on a chive potato mash with a shiraz sauce. I also had some vegetables on the side.

Dessert: Mini pavlova topped with thickened cream & liquor strawberries.

The meal went down a treat, I also downed a few glasses of sweet (very sweet) wine to settle my speech nerves.

I did take some pictures (but I forgot the entree), however they turned out to be crapso, due to my camera phone. I decided not to post them up.

1 May - Dominos, Ellenbrook

Last night after wedding rehearsals, we all went back to Ants and Carley's place to have some pizza. I was starving by the time we got back, it was over 8 hours since I'd last eaten. Needless to say, I ate a lot of pizza, I lost count of the slices I ate.
There were a number of pizza options available: Supreme, El Scorcho, Vegetarian, Aussie Bob and a Hawaiian. There was also a mix of classic crust and deep pan, with some pizzas types having one of each.