27 June - The Mahogany Inn, Mahogany Creek

A group of us went to Mahogany Inn last night for Ah-Stan's birthday. After arriving, the waitress took a drinks order in which I went for my usual Iced Coffee. It wasn't bad actually, decently strong coffee with cream and some icecream.

After taking our orders, we were given complementary bread. I cracked open the still warm roll and lathed the butter on. mmmm. The crust was relatively crispy whilst the inside was quite fluffy.

To start with, I ordered a basket of wedges for $6. It came with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce. When the wedges arrived, I knew straight away I should've shared a serve. The wedges were served piping hot and were crisp.

I liked the sound of the Beef and Ale pie on the menu. The puff pastry was resting on top of the beef and gravy. It was accompanied by some mash potato and a little salad. I was so full from the wedges that I left a bit of salad and mash behind. The mash was a bit gluggy and had a watery texture to it. The pie was OK, there was a heap of gravy but the beef wasn't as tender as I'd hoped and there wasn't a lot of mushroom. When eating the pie, I broke up the pastry and dunked it in the gravy. It was the tastiest part of this dish.

I was so full from the wedges and pie that dessert had to be small. The affogato fit the bill perfectly. The coffee was a decent strength (just like the Iced Coffee) and the icecream was of decent enough quality.

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