19 Apr - KFC, Beechboro

The greens aren't part of KFC's health revolution .. they are a means to justify me eating dirty dirty KFC ... haha. Since Mum, Dad & wagg were having KFC for Mum's birthday today, I invited myself to grab some of the greasy goodness. I ended up having 3 pieces of chicken (2 hot and spicy and 1 original), chips, potato and gravy and coleslaw. After eating, I didn't get that dirty feeling that I normally get, the greens must've worked! haha.

Dad brought home some cake from a church fundraiser. I had a slice of that, which was moist and sweet. Mum also made some glutinous rice balls, with a pandan syrup for dessert. Yumbo! There goes my exercise from this afternoon!

1 comment:

wagg said...

There goes your exercise and then some!

What about the rest of us who don't exercise? We're in big trouble!!!