28 Nov – Sydney Work Trip II Day 1

I had my alarm set for 4AM this morning, to try and get into Sydney time early. 4AM rolled along, my alarm went off and there was no way I was getting up. I eventually got up a little after 5AM, but at the moment (10PM EST), I’m not tired and probably won’t be for another couple of hours. Damn timezones + daylight saving.

28112010463 I thought I was going to have breakfast on the flight this morning, but was surprised to find out we got lunch. I chose the lamb “curry”, which wasn’t really spicy or hot at all. The only spice was probably a smidgen of cumin to give it curry like qualities. It was quite salty, even after I mixed all my rice into it. The little chocolate fudge cake was good though. The flight was uneventful, although a little bumpy at times. I read my Metallica book for awhile, before watching a few movies on my eeepc and then went back to the book when it was time to land.

I picked up my luggage and caught a taxi to the hotel. Perth had 35 degree weather today, but Sydney was 22, humid and drizzling. After I checked in and dumped my stuff, I borrowed an umbrella and headed out. I walked around a bit, eventually seeing a Starbucks and thought it was the only time I would probably get to drink one this trip/year. (Maybe that’s why I’m not tired?)

28112010470 I ordered a grande coffee frappacino. It’s a shame that it wasn’t that good. A decent hit of coffee, but it was liquidy with big ice chunks. Not the smooth icy beverage I was hoping for…

I bought some toiletries (which I thought I wouldn’t need but then realised I should’ve packed) from Woolies and eventually ended up at Thai Kee IGA at Paddy’s Markets. I was in there for a good hour or so, just looking through their various isles of Asian goods. This place really has it all, and I’d say their range is even better than our Asian grocers back in Perth. I bought a small bag of snacks and spices to bring back.

After walking back to the hotel to dump my shopping, I then walked up to The Rocks, and then back down to Chinatown for dinner. I thought the walking might tire me out a bit so I could get some decent sleep. I didn’t bring the best walking shoes this time (my work shoes), so was getting a little sore at the end of it. Deciding between Sushi Train, Marigold and BBQ King, I decided to grab some roast meats at BBQ King…

28112010471Here’s what $30 at BBQ King can buy you. Suckling pig and char siu rice, with Shark Fin soup and “Long” soup I think it’s called. I didn’t know I was getting the Long soup for free, otherwise I would’ve picked something else to have. The chilli sauce was sour (vinegar based) and had a decent bite. The suckling pig was all crackling, not the cheapest of meats but it was good (and free, making it even better). Whilst not Mum’s birthday spread (I missed out on family birthday dinner), this went down really well as I was hungry after all the walking (and I had dinner quite late .. 9PM EST).

1 comment:

wagg said...

BBQ King is getting you ready, cos there's only 200 days to go!