Little Black Egg Knockoff / Frankenweeber

After perusing, I found people where making high temperature pizza ovens using a kettle BBQ and a high power gas burner. Since I have a Weber knock off which I don't use (otherwise known as a weeber) and my natural gas burner that I use when I stirfry, I thought I'd give it a shot.

The bottom of the weeber was cut using a jigsaw with metal cutting blade. On the charcoal grate lies ceramic briquettes and some cut firebricks to support the top grate. On the top grate are more firebricks. The front and side gaps were closed up using aluminium foil.

The 22.5" lid has a 18" pizza pan and a 13" pizza stone to lower the oven height. The result of this is in the picture below.

The oven ready to go. All gaps foiled up except for the rear where the hot air runs runs up the rear, over the pizza and out the vent at the front.

A turning pizza peel, made from some aluminium rod and a 9" pizza pan. Total cost.. $3.05.

The maiden pizza. New dough recipe (high hydration). The bottom was a bit burnt, so it needs some fine tuning. But the oven definitely has some promise. The pizza cooked within 3 or 4 minutes and this pizza was tomato sauce, cheese, onion, capsicum and anchovies.

1 comment:

wagg said...

I volunteer to be a guinea pig! ;)