24 Apr - Catalanos Cafe, Victoria Park

Last night, we went out to Catalanos Cafe in Vic Park for my Aunt's birthday. We arrived and only noticed 9 chairs for 10 people, however an additional seat was supplied relatively quickly.

Service was a little slow to start off with, and remained that way for the rest of the night. I had to order my first drink with my food order. Plates were a little slow to get cleared away and due to the cramped nature of the cafe, we had to pass the plates along in some instances. Being a cafe, it was noisy as usual, and generally hard to hold a conversation.

But how was the food? I found it pretty good. The Iced Coffee I had with icecream was pretty good once the icecream was mixed in.

CB and I shared a tapas plate .. not sure it was called a tapas plate. It also stated turkish bread, however I don't think the supplied bread was turkish. The dips however were really good. We ended up with leftover dip and I was eating the leftovers with my knife as I didn't want to waste any.

For my main, I went for the Involtini Di Pollo. Described as "tender chicken breast filled with smoked ham, spinach and ricotta sauteed in a mustard, bay leaf and cream sauce", I found it quite delicious. The chips were crunchy and fresh and the vegetables were plainly boiled but I found them to be a good match.

I didn't opt for a desert afterwards, going for a lemon lime and bitters instead. No picture for that as I forgot.

Would I go back? Maybe, maybe not. The food was quite good, decent serves and taste wise it was up there. I tasted some of Arneeah's sausage entree and some of CBs salmon pasta dish and both were rather nice. However, the service and the noisy atmosphere makes it not the best place to eat and chat...

1 comment:

wagg said...

My chips were not fresh and cripy. They were warm :(