30 Aug - Stewart's at Brookleigh

Last night, we went to Stewart's out in the valley for Julie's birthday.

The night started off with an affagatto. It went down a treat and for $3.75, they were pretty good value. I only had one though otherwise I would've had trouble sleeping later that night.

Entree was "Crisp Pork Belly, sea scallops, Granny Smith apple balsamic". For $19, it was not very value for money, but it was good to eat. The pork belly was similar to Cantonese roast pork belly, although less salty. The scallops were cooked well however. 5 bites and the dish was gone.

Mains was "Chicken Breast Filled with Forest Mushrooms. Filo wrapped, seeded mustard sauce." This was much better than entree. The filo was nice and crispy, the chicken was moist and the sauce was nice and mustardy.

Experiences at other wanko places (Rockpool) have taught us to order sides. So CB and I decided upon Cauliflower Mornay. It was a fancy version of Cauliflower Cheese, and went down a treat, although a bit oily from all the cheese on the top.

The verdict? If I went back, I'd skip entree and have mains and sides. Service was a bit lacking and mains were a bit slow to come out, but they redeemed themselves with the mains.

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