31 Oct - Mikazuki Sushi, Cockburn Gateway

I originally wanted the chicken karaage, but they ran out, so I had to have teriyaki chicken instead. It was OK, but much prefer Fujimore's version, which is sweeter and tastier. The salad was deliciously dressed though.

30 Oct - Sydney Work Trip Day 4

Today was an early start to get to the airport and fly back to Perth.

Bar Roma - Sydney Domestic Airport Terminal 3

As we had food on the plane, I had a coffee whilst waiting at the airport and a bottle of water. The latte was OK, probably would've preferred GJs but they didn't take AMEX.

The plane was about 4/5 full and I got to sit next to a mum and her little boy, who wouldn't shut the hell up. I seriously wanted to clip him on the ear and tell him to pipe down.

Breakfast eventually came and I took the hot option, which was scrambled eggs with bacon. The eggs had little flecks of bacon and was uber salty. Apart from that, everything else was OK.

The kid fell asleep for a bit so I was able to have some piece and quiet, until close to landing.

29 Oct - Sydney Work Trip Day 3

Not feeling like a large breakfast today, I had cereal again but ordered a flat white coffee. And it was worth it, the coffee was much better than the stuff served with the normal breakfast.

The weather in Sydney today wasn't that good, pretty much drizzly and wet all day. On the way to and from the office, we got covered in a fine mist of rain. For lunch today, we had pizza alongside an engineering teleconference (of which I would've attended if I was in Perth, but would not have had lunch).

Ribs and Rumps, Televara Road Macquarie Park

There were quite a few choices on the menu that I would've easily been happy with, but I chose the option that would give me the most coverage of their menu items. I went the Ribs and Rump, which consisted of some rump steak, beef ribs, lamb ribs and fries. I also ordered a side order of vegetables.

The steak had great flavour, although was probably more done that I would've called rare. The ribs were delicious, and they were quite right in saying the lamb ribs were not lean. They oozed fat when cut into, but were very flavoursome and worth the try. If there were a next time, I'd definitely like to try their Wagyu steaks, or maybe a burger as a cheaper option.

Their dessert menu was presented on a platter, quite a novel way of choosing what to have. I opted for the tiramisu, which was served with icecream and cream. The tiramisu was nice, although I couldn't taste any coffee and the icecream turned out a little icy.

Overall, I wouldn't mind trying this place again. Their food was good, service was decent and have enough menu choice to have a few meals. Maybe I need to do more training courses...

28 Oct - Sydney Work Trip Day 2

The morning started off with some cereal and sludge for coffee. I might actually choose the $4 option for a cappuccino instead of the 'filtered coffee' that they serve with normal breakfast.

Lunch was provided by work and consisted of various salad and meat sandwiches, cut into quarters. I had 4 or 5 (maybe 6) bits, so had about a sandwich and a half in total, along with 3 Tim Tams.

Platinum Bar and Grill, Macquarie Park Shopping Centre

After killing a bit of time, Pete and I walked down to Macquarie Park Shopping Centre to look for a place to eat. We had a little trouble finding the entrance to the shopping centre, but eventually found it and the upper restaurant area. Here, I picked up some Krispy Kreme for dessert and we decided upon Platinum Bar and Grill for a feed.

Here, I had Bruschetta for entree, which went down very well. The bread was soft but had crunchy enough crusts to give enough bite.

For main, I ordered the Mixed Seafood Plate for 1/2. When ordered, I was given a plethora of operating utensils, like I was performing surgery or something. But when the plate arrived, there was A LOT of food. BBQed octopus, prawns, salmon, battered squid, oysters kilpatrick, crab cakes and a quarter crab with a load of salad. The food was good, the crab was a bit weird cold (I am used to hot chilli crabs), and the salad wasn't my cup of tea with raw bean sprouts. All was washed down with a Heinikein.

As we were walking back to the hotel, I ate my donuts. I didn't really need it, but they were good. I'm not sure whether I like KK's or J.Co more now .. it's very hard to decide....

27 Oct - Sydney Work Trip Day 1

The flight to Sydney was at 12:10PM, so were served lunch shortly after takeoff. Given the choice of chicken or fish, I immediately chose the chicken, which turned out to be 'Chicken Chasseur'. It was typical plane food, not much in terms of flavour, but subsides the hunger. Nearing the end of the flight, we were also given an icecream, a triple choc Trumpet.

After getting off the plane, we caught a taxi to Darling Harbour for dinner. We arrived quite a bit earlier than our dinner reservation, so we stopped off at the Starbucks in Darling Harbour where I had an Iced Latte. It was OK, however I couldn't find any sugar syrup so it wasn't as sweet as I would've liked it to be.

Zaaffran, Harbourside Shopping Centre - Darling Harbour

Zaaffran was the place chosen for dinner by my workmate Pete. Here, I had a Tiger beer, mushroom naan and we shared a chicken curry of somesort, chicken biryani and some king prawns. All were thoroughly enjoyed and surprisingly filling. The mushroom naan was very good, the chicken biryani was a little weird but was tasty.

After dinner, we headed back to the taxi stand and went to the hotel. We went through the Lane Cove Tunnel where a car had broken down. The tunnel has a safety system where it overrides all the radio stations and gives drivers notice of the breakdown... quite cool!

25 Oct - Coode St Cafe, Mt Lawley

Today, I had brunch at Coode St Cafe with CB and her folks for my birthday. I had an affogatto and 'Who Needs Lunch?', as their lunch menu didn't start until 12pm and we got there a little before 11am.

I think the 'Who Needs Lunch?' has been downsized since the last time I had it, but I was still full after eating it. I distinctly remember two sausages and a whole tomato before, this time was only one sausage and half a tomato. It still went down OK though.

The affogatto wasn't nice for me, way too bitter. Not sure if it was the type of coffee or it was just made wrong, but it wasn't that enjoyable.

24 Oct - Nandos, Spearwood

Lunch yesterday was at Spearwood instead of Cockburn Gateway for a change. At Nandos, I went for the 'Chicken Steak' meal, hot of course, with upsized chips for extra of course. Upon arrival, I got jipped in the upgraded chips department, compared a photo back in July.

23 Oct - Wendys, Morley

I've always said that icecream fills the gaps. So after Midland, we went to Morley to check out a few things and had some icecream. Again, the Entertainment Book came out so we got 2 for 1, I chose the Macadamia Dream. I still think other Macadamia Icecreams have been better (from memory, Baskins is on top), but this was still decently nutty.

23 Oct - Fast Eddys, Midland Gate

It's my birthday today! And I had the day off after getting back home from Dragonforce quite late. CB and I eventually made our way to Midland Gate, where we stopped at Fast Eddys for lunch after I said I felt like a burger.

With the entertainment voucher (buy one main get one main free), the Cop The Lot meal costs about $8.50. It's a great burger and chip combo for $8.50, probably not so much at $17. This was the first Cop The Lot in a few years, the last time I ordered one from Morley, it took so long that I told them not to bother. Today's burger brought back memories of late night / early morning munchies in my student days, and tasted as good as I can remember, but now I get this blocked feeling afterwards whenever I stomach artery clogging food such as this.

22 Oct - Char Char Bull, Fremantle

Last night, CB and I had dinner out in Fremantle before seeing DragonForce nearby. Having enjoyed Char Char Bull last time I was there with work, I thought it'd be a good place to eat something different.

To start off with, I had an affogatto, which hit the coffee spot really well. I quite like affogattos, but am disappointed by a) the small size of one and b) it being cold from the icecream. Char Char Bull affogattos are quite up there however.

For starter, I chose the salt and pepper squid, whilst stealing some of the mushroom risotto from CBs plate (I had it before). The squid was tender, and salty and peppery of course, the greens slightly justifying all the grease from the squid and the mayonnaise.

For mains, I opted for the Surf and Turf, cooked rare. This was a decent bit of meat, beautifully coloured on the outside (to give it a charred flavour) and nice and pink in the middle. The prawns were doused in a rich garlic sauce which also went well with the steak.

As a side, we chose the rocket, parmesan and olive salad. CB said the olives were too salty, the salad leaves and parmesan that I had were good until the end where there was too much balsamic vinegar.

Overall, a good meal, and I wouldn't hesitate going back.

18 Oct - Mille Cafe, Inglewood

After dinner last night, we headed back to Inglewood for some coffee (and cake for some). I had the usual Iced Coffee. As usual, I had trouble sleeping after drinking coffee at night. I would've liked it sweeter, I don't think the coffee was sweetened at all (apart from the ice cream).

18 Oct - Tony Romas, Perth

I always wanted to try Tony Romas again after CB and I went there shortly after they opened, so Ants and I celebrated our birthday there this year. Their service was a little patchy before, so I was hoping things would improve this time round. Unfortunately, they were worse than our first time. Plates that weren't cleared, water had to be requested multiple times and wrong items on orders were just some of the issues encountered.

I decided to have the Onion Loaf again for entree. Any onion lover would be in heaven with this dish, and it was good, for the most part. Towards the end, I got the sickly feeling from having too much fried stuff.

I had to go for the ribs again. This time, I chose the St Louis Style Ribs, with Tony Romas Red Hots Sauce. It definitely had a decent kick, and the ribs were pull off the bone tender. The baked potato was a disappointment though from last time, where it had sour cream, cheese etc. This was just a regular baked potato.

18 Oct - Golden King BBQ Express, Morley

The flavour of the month for awhile now for CB and I has been Cantonese BBQ places. Whenever we are in Morley, we tend to head towards Golden King BBQ Express. Today, we arrived a little too early to sit down and eat, so we grabbed takeaway instead. Today, I felt like embellishing a little, and went for the 3 meat option - char siu, roast duck and roast pork with rice.

Overall, a decent and satisfying meal. Couldn't think of anything better for $9 at this point in time.

17 Oct - Penang Foods, Northbridge

After reading about another food blogger having Laksa in Northbridge, I suggested to CB that we do the same. Last night, we met up in Northbridge to try the Laksa at Penang Foods.

I went for a hot Laksa, with a mixture of thick yellow egg noodles and bee hoon. CB went for hot with all bee hoon noodles. On the side was some slightly watery soy bean. The Laksa was decently hot, not enough to knock my head off, but hot enough. The gravy was good, and we also got a decent serve of bean sprouts, chicken and tofu. I couldn't fault the Laksa, but the Laksa crown still goes to my Aunt Margaret in Singapore. At $8.50, it was a decent feed here in Perth.

To cool things off, I chose the Ice Cendol, whilst CB had Ice Kachang. I think they used some thickened coconut milk or something but this was a little weird for me as not everything was coconutty. Singapore's Cendol was definitely better, I think cos they use normal coconjut milk. At $3.80 though, it's not bad considering Perth prices if you wanted to try either Ice Cendol or Ice Kachang.

17 Oct - Cicerello's, Fremantle

We had a team lunch here after another deliverable was completed a couple of months back. I ordered a regular fish and chips and lemonade. Whilst it was edible, I think the quality at Cicerello's has dropped considerably the past few years, and, dare I say it, no longer deserve the mantle of "best fish and chips in WA".

After lunch, we headed down to the Maritime Museum where we had a tour of the old Oberon class Submarine. It was very interesting, and all I can say is, I'm glad I'm not a submariner. Hopefully someday, I'll also get to see the current Collins class to compare.

11 Oct - Subway, Beechboro

I couldn't be bothered making lunch today, so I bought Subway instead. I went for a 6 inch Ham on Italian Herb, with all the vegies. This time round, there were a LOT of vegies, making it a bit hard to eat. Can't call it stingy though.

Whilst walking back to my car, I was walking past the bakery and saw some samosas. I bought 3 for $3 and had one, giving one each to my folks. The samosa was OK, although the same amount of money buys a Curry-O (Curry Puff) from Old Chang Kee, which is bigger and much more tastier. The samosa was borderline sweet for me.

10 Oct - Mikazuki Sushi, Cockburn Gateway

Yesterday, I had the Chicken Katsu Curry from the Japanese place at Cockburn Gateway. I was pleasantly surprised. Not as hot as an Indian curry but still rich and savoury enough to be good. The katsu chicken was still crunchy too. Definitely would have it again.

3 Oct - Golden King BBQ Express, Morley


First day back after going on holidays, and CB wanted Cantonese food.. haha. I didn't complain.

I had the 2 rice option, with char siu pork and roast duck. At $7.50, it is more expensive than in Singapore. However, I noticed immediately that the serving size is quite a bit bigger.

Food was good, and the chilli oil was good as usual. Not quite the same as the fresh ginger chilli stuff in Sing, but I'm not complaining.