27 Oct - Sydney Work Trip Day 1

The flight to Sydney was at 12:10PM, so were served lunch shortly after takeoff. Given the choice of chicken or fish, I immediately chose the chicken, which turned out to be 'Chicken Chasseur'. It was typical plane food, not much in terms of flavour, but subsides the hunger. Nearing the end of the flight, we were also given an icecream, a triple choc Trumpet.

After getting off the plane, we caught a taxi to Darling Harbour for dinner. We arrived quite a bit earlier than our dinner reservation, so we stopped off at the Starbucks in Darling Harbour where I had an Iced Latte. It was OK, however I couldn't find any sugar syrup so it wasn't as sweet as I would've liked it to be.

Zaaffran, Harbourside Shopping Centre - Darling Harbour

Zaaffran was the place chosen for dinner by my workmate Pete. Here, I had a Tiger beer, mushroom naan and we shared a chicken curry of somesort, chicken biryani and some king prawns. All were thoroughly enjoyed and surprisingly filling. The mushroom naan was very good, the chicken biryani was a little weird but was tasty.

After dinner, we headed back to the taxi stand and went to the hotel. We went through the Lane Cove Tunnel where a car had broken down. The tunnel has a safety system where it overrides all the radio stations and gives drivers notice of the breakdown... quite cool!

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