HK Singapore 2011 Holiday Day 01

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The trip started off with a redeye flight to Singapore. As usual, we did some duty free shopping in Perth. After waiting for what seemed to be eternity to board (they were late for whatever reason), it was finally time to take off and have supper.


The flight had an option of chicken or fish, and I picked the chicken. It was a soy sauce chicken, with mushrooms and thin egg noodles. It was accompanied by a pasta salad appetizer, bread roll w/ butter, crackers, cheese and a “chocolate delight” known as Macadamia Royals. I think I chose well, with the chicken reminding me of a similar dish Mum makes although substantially saltier, so this went down quickly.

12032011556 There was an hour or so to kill in Singapore before boarding our connecting flight to Hong Kong. We took the time to grab a Starbucks in the terminal. This one came to $5.80 SGD (a tall coffee frappa).

12032011558Brunch was served on the Hong Kong leg. I chose the chicken option again, and went for an “oriental spiced” roast chicken. It was similar to a chicken rice, although not as good. This was accompanied with a chilli sauce (which packed a decent punch for once), fruit salad appetizer and a large bread roll (with butter and jam).

12032011559 For dessert, icecreams were served. I didn’t complain that it was a Magnum.

After landing and clearing immigration, we then headed to pick up our luggage. Then it was off to buy Octopus cards and onto the A11 bus to head to the hotel. After about 45 minutes later, we got off and walked to the hotel.

A quick walk to Times Square in HK and another pitstop at Starbucks.

12032011560 I had a grande coffee frappa this time around, which came to $33 HKD. This was quite a bit sweeter than the one I had in Singapore. Not sure if its been adjusted to local tastes or if it was just this occurrence.

We also went to Marks and Spencers, where I bought some onion rings, roast beef flavoured chips and smokey bbq chips.


After a little break, we headed down to the street to scout out a place to eat. After walking through the wet market, we ended up at a Cantonese roast meat joint called ‘More and More’.

12032011562 First up was a plate of char siu, white chicken and roast duck. Served with plum and spring onion sauces. This was $100HKD. The roast duck and chicken were good, the char siu was a little different from the ones back home. Still sweet but had a taste to it which I couldn’t figure out. It was still good though.

12032011563Chicken and sweet corn soup. Good, although I’m used to using creamed corn and this used whole kernels. $50 HKD.

12032011564Roast pork. The first bit I ate had a lovely crunchy piece of cracking. I had some towards the middle however and they were starting to soften. Seems even those in the business have the same issues that I do. $80 HKD.

12032011565Bok choy. These were stirfried (or steamed .. not sure) with garlic. Delicious and simple. $35 HKD.

With rice, the total meal came to $295 HKD, or about $40 AUD. Not bad when feeding 5 with mostly meat.

After a further walk around, and an abandoned attempt to buy some water from the supermarket (the line to the checkout was stupidly long), we headed back to the hotel. I ended up buying two bottles from 7-11 for $9 HKD which was cheaper than the supermarket.

As I write this post, I started hoeing into the onion rings I bought earlier. These are quite good, although horrifically salty.


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