HK Singapore 2011 Holiday Day 03

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This morning started half an hour later than usual due to it being a shopping day. We headed off to find breakfast, but stopped by at a local Starbucks where I had a grande cafe latte.

14032011576We eventually stopped at a place called Hong Kong Fish Ball King. I had macaroni soup with lettuce, two slices of fish cake and two fish balls.

14032011577The fish balls and cake were delightfully soft and well flavoured. Much nicer than the frozen stuff we get at home. The soup was also well seasoned and I drank it all with the macaroni.

We then headed to Kowloon and walked around various shopping centres. After awhile, feet started getting sore and so a group of us stopped at Starbucks for 40 minutes. I had a caramel machiato which was sweet but quite nice. I forgot to take a picture.

14032011578For lunch, we stopped at the Hong Kong version of Crystal Jade, where they make the soup dumplings. They also make “La Mian” which is a pulled noodle. I thought I was ordering that but got some egg noodles instead which were actually quite good with some wok hei flavour. It came with an assortment of mushrooms such as chantrelles and other “exotic” mushies.

After a couple of hours more shopping, we decided to head onto the foreshore. After perusing the tourism board for pamplets, we walked along the “Avenue of Stars”, which is not too dissimilar to Hollywood and their path with the plaques and handprints. After a short break at another Starbucks (which I had nothing), it was decided to head towards Mongkok and the Ladies’ Market.

Mongkok was stupidly crowded. More crowded than Chinatown in Singapore on a weekend. And this was for a Monday! I bought some toilet headknockers .. 5 in fact for $100 HKD. Much cheaper than the ones I bought from Singapore.

It was nearing towards 9PM before we stopped for dinner. We ended up at Maxims in Mongkok. I had the Hainan chicken rice set, which was $32 HKD.

14032011579The Hainan set consisted of poached chicken, some pickled veg, chicken rice and 3 dipping sauces, soup, lettuce and tea. All for under $5 AUD. The chicken was nicely seasoned, although quite boney to eat. The dipping sauces were good, and the chicken rice was oily and flavoursome. The lettuce and tea were good. The soup contained pork, peanuts and mandarin peel, and I quite enjoyed it. Since CB doesn’t eat pork, I ended up having two serves and was quite full at the end of it.

After a train ride back, and a quick pitstop at the supermarket, we were back at the hotel. I had a touch up of some of the smokey BBQ chips that I bought a couple of days ago.

14032011580These had a light sweet smokey flavour to them, and had a texture similar to Kettles. Not too bad actually, although would prefer them to be more savoury.

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