Singapore 2009 Holiday Day 17

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The Toast Box, United Square

The Toast Box was another place at United Square, near the hotel which was open for breakfast. Here, they do more traditional kopi tiam, along with laksa, mee rebus, mee siam and also curry, with the choice of rice or bread. I went for the rice option today ($5.80). I was quite impressed with the curry, with the sauce quite flavourful, and I received quite a few bits of potato and chicken. I was quite full by the end. I wasn't a big fan of the barley though.

After breakfast, LWA, CB and I headed to the Singapore Science Centre, to look at the various displays, but also the Body Works display in particular. The exhibits in this display are actually real humans who had donated their bodies for science when they died, and was actually very interesting. On the way out, I had a light snack to tide me over till the afternoon.

McDonalds, Singapore Science Centre - Jurong

I grabbed a quick snack, a $2 double cheeseburger with extra onion. Within about 4 bites, this was gone. The extra onion made it a little tastier. We then made our way back to the hotel to change before heading to Equinox for high tea.

Equinox High Tea, Swissotel The Stamford

High Tea at the Equinox ($45) starts at 3:30PM and runs until 5:00PM. We received a table right next to the window and started eating straightaway. I had the following:

Duck congee, with added condiments: fried shallot, spring onion and boiled peanuts. This was OK, the duck flavour was quite subtle.

Prawn wontons, roast chicken, har gow and some crumbed fish.

Kaya sandwich, smoked salmon bagel, tuna sandwich, more prawn wontons and crumbed fish.

Curry and roti bread, with some prawns from the thai noodle station.

Scones (with dried fruit inside) with vanilla cream and jam. The scones were very dry and brittle.

Choc mint ice cream. The ice cream was soft and creamy, and quite nice.

Finishing off with savouries, a few more prawn wontons, and a teriyaki chicken stick.

Slightly after 5:00PM, we headed back to the hotel and rested until our cousin Keith picked us up from the hotel. From here, he took us to PS Cafe, which is located near Dempsey Road. This cafe looked a little swish and we sat here for awhile and had desserts.

PS Cafe, Harding Road (near Dempsey Road)

Whilst the others had coffees and cocktails, I had the profiteroles ($16++), which consisted of choux pastry, icecream and a lot of chocolate sauce. There were 5 profiteroles in total, and to me, it was chocolate overkill. Especially since it was dark chocolate.

We then headed to Holland Village to have a look around. There wasn't a lot, mostly eateries, pubs and coffee shops, which we weren't interested in as we weren't hungry. But it was another thing to check off our list.

Afterwards, we were taken to Joo Chiat for durian, where there was a 24 hour durian shop. We had a few different types of durian, I tried the slightly bitter and sweet versions, with my personal preference being the sweet one. No photos as my phone died.

CB had mango instead, and the Indonesian mangoes did not disappoint. I also tried washing my hands with water in a durian shell and it did quite a good job of removing the durian smell from my fingers.

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