Singapore 2009 Holiday Day 1

Home Day: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

The day started off with CB, Wagg and I catching a taxi to the airport. It was pretty uneventful, the taxi fare came to just under $40 and we got there at about 9:20AM. We checked in straight away as there was no queue and went through immigration immediately as we didn't feel like Dome.

Eagle Boys Pizza, Perth Airport


After duty free shopping (I bought some cognac for cooking and some cigarettes for LWA's folks), we stopped at the eatery section of the airport. Feeling a bit peckish, I went for pizza. At $6.95, this two slice pizza wasn't that nice as it had been sitting in the warmer for awhile.

Qantas Plane Food


The plane was about half empty which was a surprise. For food, I went for the beef option, which was braised and served with mash and peas. The salad had a balsamic dressing, and I dropped a lettuce leaf (with dressing) on my shirt and made a stain. Wagg did not want her crackers, cheese or brownie dessert, so I ended up with those, although I shared the crackers and cheese with CB.

I ended up watching 'The Hangover', played a bit of PSP, listened to some music whilst playing checkers (got whalloped) and chess (I won! woohoo!) against the computer. I also watched a few Simpsons' episodes before the system was turned off for landing.

After clearing immigration and getting our luggage, we were greeted by Arnee-ah and Carley-ah who had taken the red eye over. We hopped into a maxi-taxi to go to the hotel ($45 fixed fee). Probably a good thing it wasn't metered as the traffic along the PIE was pretty bad. We eventually got to the hotel where we met up with Dad. After checking in and dumping our stuff, we headed out for food nearby.

Newton Circus, Newton

Newton is only a short walk from where we're staying, so naturally we headed here first up. Eating with Mum and Dad, CB and I decided to share some dishes with them... here's the dishes that were shared:


Mee goreng. This was spicy but not much else. It wasn't bad but nothing to rave about.

Chicken Satay. Tender bits of marinated chicken with a peanut sauce, served with cucumbers. Yum. I had about 4 or so of these, will be having more soon.


Stingray. A staple in CB and I's repertoire. Mum hadn't tried it so we ordered it for Mum. This was nice and spicy, although I would've preferred more fish.


Oong Choy / Kang Kong. Yum!! Stirfried with belecan and har mai (dried shrimp). Salty, spicy and very tasty. I could just eat this and rice. Fantastic!


Char Kway Teow. No wok hei, quite greasy and sweet (they must use kecap manis). I much prefer my version at home which is more savoury, not as oily and a lot smokier. This had about 50 billion see hum (cockles) which I gave to CB as I don't really like them.


Sugar cane juice. Packed with ice, this was cool, sweet and refreshing. Only $1.50 too.


Cendol. Coconut milk and ice, with green "worms", red beans and palm seed kernels. I got 4 palm seed kernels in total and ate most of this until it was a melted soupy mess.

After dinner, all of us headed down to Mustafa to change over money. The rate was 1.269. CB and I then bought some broom handles (to hang clothes on), clothes hangers (6 for $1.50) and I got some laundry spiders for home ($4.80 each). I also bought a carton of water ($7 for 24 600ml bottles) to drink whilst here.

1 comment:

wagg said...

I didn't have satay :(

Well, I ate one of Marathon Man's when he took us to Airport Road, but I didn't get any satay sauce and that doesn't really count. Next time!!!